Articles in the Guild’s website are accessible to all visitors, excluding those within the Members only menu. Simply use the drop-down menus at the top of all website articles to select which article you wish to view. Some commonly used website functions are located within the Quick Links panel to remove the need to navigate the menu structure. If you are using a mobile device, click the three horizontal menu bars to the right on all articles to expand the lower levels of articles, as indicated below.
The Members only articles can only be accessed by paid-up members of the Guild using the access credentials printed in the Overdrive magazine. This approach is to provide added value for paid-up members and to protect the intellectual property that belongs to other organisations and contributors. All such information must not be copied, distributed and/or used in any way. Please note that authenticating to access the Members only articles does include access to the Guild's legacy Forum. Access to the Forum is described below.
To access the Members only menu items you must first correctly enter the latest credentials shown in Overdrive into the authentication panel which is displayed on all articles of the website. Please ensure you read and understand the information in the Members only authentication panel:
Successful log in will be confirmed once clicking the Log in button. Using incorrect credentials for more than three attempts will result in you being locked out for a period of a couple of hours. Multiple groups of three failed attempts will result in being locked out in a way that requires Guild Webmaster intervention.
Ther Guild’s legacy Forum is accessible by clicking on one of the following links which are displayed on all articles of the website:
The Forum is accessible to those who are both Guild members and those who are not members. Those who wish to access the Forum must set up their own Forum account by following the dialogue in the Forum during their first access. Once an account has been set up it will be on hold until a member of the administration team authorises it, normally a day or two. This is to ensure that only legitimate users are given access and not web-bots etc.
If you are a regular Forum user, it might be worth creating a favourite/bookmark in your browser when you are viewing the Forum home page so that you can directly navigate there without first accessing the Guild website.
If you are unsure about any aspect of using this website, or have any suggestion for its improvement, then please contact the Guild Webmaster using: