For 2025, Guild membership costs for 12 months (January 2025 to December 2025) are £35 for the UK, £43 for mainland Europe and £45 for the Rest Of The World. These figures are each just £1 more than the previous year. The Guild’s costs continue to increase and we hope you will agree that a small increase each year, to help cover these costs, is better than forcing ourselves into the situation where we have to make a large increase after a few years stagnation.
The Guild has an objective to support and encourage the ownership of Rover P4s and Guild membership for those who are aged 17 to 30. To this end, the Guild is very pleased to now offer a young membership £10 discount on all membership costs. This lower membership cost, coupled with the discounts available with our insurance partners and several suppliers e.g. Gliptone for their extensive range of car care products, all serves to financially support younger owners of P4s as well as all of the other benefits of being a Guild member.
Joining the Guild or renewing your membership is very easy to undertake using the Guild's e-Commerce service. The service links to PayPal to securely take your payment using credit/debit cards or a PayPal account. Once you have completed the membership transaction you will receive two e-mails, one from the e-Commerce service to confirm the transaction and show you the details that you have entered. The other e-mail is a payment receipt from PayPal. Please ensure that you enter your e-mail address correctly in the e-Commerce service and PayPal. The e-Commerce service is a quick and convenient way of undertaking membership transactions for both yourself and the Guild so please give it a try.
Guild membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December and renewal forms are issued with the November issue of the Guild's magazine, called Overdrive. The forms can be used to pay for membership by cheque. However, a large and increasing number of members are using the Guild's e-Commerce service to pay their subscription using credit/debit cards or a PayPal account. Direct bank transfer of membership subscriptions is also possible using the bank details provided on the renewal forms.
Joining the Guild before buying a P4 is a useful approach as you can meet up with other owners at Regional Group meetings and seek their advice. You will also have access to the Guild committee for any query you have about P4 ownership. To join before you own a P4, simply tab over the car details when in the e-Commerce service to the page where you enter your personal details. Once you have purchased a P4 please contact our Membership Secretary to advise on your P4's details so that we can ensure that your membership details are up to date.
If you are joining the Guild for the first time, you can enter details of up to three P4s in your ownership within the e-Commerce service before entering your personal details. If you are fortunate enough to own more than three P4s please complete the e-commerce transaction and directly e-mail our Membership Secretary with the remaining car details. (Yes we do have such fortunate members!)
If you are renewing your Guild membership, and your car details haven't changed since the previous year, simply enter "No Change" in the Vehicle 1 Model field and skip over all of the other vehicle fields until you reach the personal details page.
Please access the Guild's e-Commerce service by clicking HERE
Should you wish to join the Guild using a cheque then please download a membership form from HERE for a Word document, complete it and send with a cheque to the Membership Secretary.
Should you wish to join the Guild using the direct transfer of bank funds then please download a membership form from HERE for a Word document, complete it and send it to the Membership Secretary. At the same time make your direct payment to the Guild's bank account, using the details shown on the form. Please ensure that you enter your name into the bank transaction reference field to tie in with your name on the membership form. If you can also include some or all of your post-code that will also help in the cases of identical surnames.